Sunday, August 28, 2011

Secondhand Smoke - The Knowledge to Help You Quit

Smoking and the Essentials of Living

A recent survey says that today, one of four men and one of five women still smoke. It’s a no brainer concept - smoking kills. So what explains this statistic? Is it really that difficult to stop smoking?

The taste, the high, and the psychological comfort is what makes smoking addicting. Plus, it has a certain sophistication attached to it. People who smoke appear carefree and relaxed. They project an image of individuals who enjoy life in the moment. But, do we really have to smoke to have fun, to look “cool”?

Some smokers do not know who bears the brunt of all that tobacco smoke. Or they could be aware of the effects of secondhand smoke but just don’t care enough to really try to quit. Perhaps all those news and stories about why smoking is harmful has fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps nicotine-tainted glamour makes one indifferent, what do you think?

Maybe it's simply that it's just very hard to quit. We all know that. But it's not impossible. You can achieve success when you gain the tools you need to help you stop smoking. Secondhand smoke being received by your loved ones should be enough to get you started.

The Quit Smoking Book by Darryl Wilson is a great guide for anyone who wants to quit smoking now. Click here to check out this extremely helpful quitting smoking book. It gives you all the best tips, techniques, and the right mindset which is imperative if you're trying to stop smoking now. He teaches you how to quit smoking without spending any money, so you're left with more cash in your pocket and higher dollars in your bank account month after month. Darryl Wilson used the cigarette money he was saving to take scuba diving courses and go on a scuba diving vacation.
Whatever the smoker’s reasons are, it’s high time to stop smoking. The image of a smoker falls flat when health is the issue. To put new meaning to the Little Prince’s words, what is essential is invisible to the eye. What matters is that you are healthy on the inside. You have good lungs to breathe and an even better heart to live. You'll be happier, healthier, and wealthier. Not to mention, saving the lives of those around you.

What to Read Next: 5 Ways to Quit Smoking

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stop Smoking Group Counseling and Clinics

Read The Quit Smoking Book.

If you're here, that means you may be trying to stop smoking. Congratulate yourself for making the choice to quit. You know the harsh realities that your body will go through because of this decision. But because of your resolve, you can beat the odds and be smoke-free from here onwards.

To help you into the transition, there are stop smoking clinics that you can visit. Do not hesitate to do this; admitting you need help is a sure step towards leaving the vice for good. There are also trustworthy counseling and support groups. They can guide you through the whole process and introduce you to ways of combating the urge to smoke again. You can attend stop smoking group counseling when you are ready to listen and share. There are others out there who are just as determined to quit smoking and would gladly listen to your story.

It would take about a month for your body to adjust to the absence of smoke and nicotine. While you are on this journey, steer clear of situations that might tempt you to light a cigarette. Turn to your loved ones for moral support against your past lifestyle. More importantly, do not let go of your stop smoking group counseling. They will help you help yourself to a healthier lifestyle.

Here is a Free Guide to Find Stop Smoking Clinics in Your Area. There are many different types of clinics, like cessation, laser treatment, hypnotherapy, group counseling, programs to join, and acupuncture. Find help for yourself now.

Quit Smoking Now with Fresh Quit.

What to Read Next: 5 Ways Smoking is Harmful.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

5 Ways Smoking is Harmful

To Quit Smoking Now, Try Smoke Assist Water Vapor Cigarettes.

There are a hundred and one reasons to quit smoking and they all revolve around the fact that it causes harm to your health and the health of those around you. Here, I will name the top five ways smoking is harmful.

1. Everyone is vulnerable to tobacco smoke. So even if all you get is secondhand smoke, you are as prone to illness as the smoker himself is.

2. Lung cancer is inevitable for regular smokers. Do not consider yourself as an exception because you are what you take in to your body.

3. Smoking is harmful to children. Because of their delicate constitution, they will easily acquire asthma, bronchial infections, and other lung problems.

4. If you are pregnant and have a partner who smokes, or smoke yourself, prepare for giving birth to a baby that has weak lungs or a weak heart. More so, prepare yourself for a life of guilt because you know you did not prevent the illness.

5. Smoking will give a rush that leaves your self-esteem wanting when it is all over. What are a few minutes of stimulation to a whole day of bad breath, foul smelling clothes and poor self-image?
If you do not quit smoking today, then be among those who got robbed of their youth, good health, and eventually, their life.

Want to Start Your Journey to Good Health? Use Hypnosis as a Tool to Help You Quit Smoking.

What to Read Next: Smoking Reality Check

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Smoking Reality Check - Why You Need to Quit

Media has become one of our health guardians. We are informed of a thousand and one reasons why smoking is harmful, yet we see people puff cigarettes on the streets, almost every day, and look and act like they have a hundred years to live and more. We wonder, when will these people decide to quit smoking? Is the threat of lung diseases not enough to make them kick the bad habit? I wonder if it would take the illness of a loved one exposed to secondhand smoke to make them realize the extent of danger.

To quit smoking, get The Quit Smoking Book. The number one book for quitting smoking. No BS.

Every month, thousands die from smoking-related diseases. Cigarette smoke robs our body of oxygen and makes our heart work harder. Gradually, we get less air into our lungs and we have difficulty breathing. Smoking is a slow and painful way to die. The worst is, smoking is harmful not only to the smoker but to the people in his immediate environment – spouse, children, friends and colleagues.

Quit Smoking Effortlessly. A program that is tailored specifically for you.

Do not wait for emphysema to hit, or for your child to come out in this world with weak lungs. Do not linger on the habit until your wife acquires asthma, or you get lung cancer. Do not wait for the worst before you quit smoking. People who smoke may look and act like they have more than a hundred years to live, but that’s all there is to it: a look and an act.

If you're a smoker, whatever you do, find ways to quit smoking, and as long as you try, you should be proud of yourself.

You can do it! Don't give up!

For more ways to quit smoking, read 5 Ways to Quit Smoking

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

5 Ways to Quit Smoking

Health issues urge people to decide once and for all to quit smoking. However, some are just convinced that there is no easy way to end the unhealthy habit. Getting rid of the nicotine in the system will be tough, but here are a few proven ways to do just that using various therapies.

1. Nicotine replacement therapy may be an easy way to quit smoking because of a gradual transition to cleaner lungs by taking in small amounts of nicotine through gum, candy, or a patch, and relieving withdrawal symptoms.

2. Medication therapy could be one of the best ways to quit smoking because it involves a closely monitoring physician and anti-smoking medication that is proven effective.

3. Acupuncture is a medical technique that is useful in smoking cessation because it helps the individual manage recurring withdrawal symptoms.

4. Hypnosis gets the individual into a relaxed state of mind that builds up a strong desire to quit smoking as well as increase distaste for cigarettes. Successful use of hypnosis to quit smoking may be realized with the help of trustworthy hypnotherapists. It can ber very effective in producing the results you need to become unaddicted to cigarettes. If you want to give hypnotherapy a try, Click here to gain the Smoke Free Power you need to stop smoking. You will find out how your mind was programmed to smoke when you first started, the secret sources that are influencing you to smoke without even realizing it, and much more. You have nothing to lose but the habit.

Fresh Quit can also help you quit smoking within one hour. Sounds miraculous, doesn't it? Well, it can be done, if you really do want to quit and you just don't have the will power within you. Try Fresh Quit hypnotherapy. This therapy can help you quit right away.

5. Behavioral therapies are effective ways to quit smoking because they help the individual cope with breaking the addiction. This method develops individual strength and resolve to take better care of the self by leaving unhealthy habits.

To learn how to quit smoking, read Quit Smoking - Step by Step.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quit Smoking Step by Step

If you really want to quit smoking, you have to make it your number one priority, just like going on a diet. If it's not your number one priority, you will make excuses as to why you can give up or fail. Once you make one mistake, you will feel unmotivated to continue and you will be right back where you started again.

You have to realize that if you make one mistake, it doesn't mean you failed. giving up smoking is one of te most difficult things to do, so give yourself a break if you mess up.

Quit Smoking Today. Join This Program Specifically Designed for You: Quit Smoking Effortlessly.

You have to make quitting smoking your number one priority. You have to feel that it is the most important thing to focus on that day, or rather, that month.

In order to keep you motivated, you have to write down your goals in detail and follow them as closely as is physically possible. Don't forget to take baby steps. Quitting smoking is like a marathon. You can quit cold turkey, but many people find this to be more difficult. So, if you need to quit gradually, here's a plan you can follow:

If you are going to use this system to quit and you smoke a lot of cigarettes per day, you will need more time to finish quitting. If you smoke a few a day, it should not take too long. But you ultimately decide how much time you're going to give yourself. Let's say you want to quit smoking in 3 months. Write down the date you made that goal, and the date you want to accomplish that goal. Remember that if you don't quit smoking in exactly 3 months, you are not a failure. You just need more time. Don't be hard on yourself. Be positive and believe that you can do it if you keep trying.

Next, write down about how many cigarettes you smoke a day. Let's say you smoke 16 cigarettes a day on average.

Next, write down the times that you are most likely to smoke a cigarette, i.e. after eating, before going to bed, right when you wake up, after (or during) a stressful event, etc. This will help you understand what leads you to smoke. Many people smoke when stressed and after eating. If you can keep yourself from going to a cigarette when you normally would, you will be on track to quitting. Part of quitting is understanding why you smoke in the first place.

For your first day, don't try to quit smoking. Just go along as you normally would, but record the times you smoked and what happened before and after you smoked: You ate, then you smoked. You smoked, then went in for the interview. Etc. Record how many cigarettes you smoked that day.

Now you need to figure out what activity you are going to do when you want a cigarette but can't have one. Maybe you will chew gum. Maybe you will chew Nicorette gum. Maybe you will eat carrot sticks. Maybe you will play a video game, punch a punching bag, eat a lollipop, eat a popsicle, play guitar or other instruent, go for a run, go on a walk, etc. Decide what you are going to do and make it something that you enjoy doing often and something that you would want to do if you were feeling stressed. You can even select many different options and write them all down so when you want a cigarette, you go to your other options page to select a different activity to enjoy instead of smoking a cigarette.

If you smoked 16 cigarettes the day before, today you are only allowed to have 15. In the morning, figure out your day and write a schedule of the things you are going to do, including your 15 cigarettes. Make sure you space them out so that you don't run out by bed time. You may just want a cigarette even more if you know you can't have one. If you always smoke before you go to bed, make sure you leave one of your 15 for bedtime. Follow your schedule to a T. If you mess up, don't get discouraged. This is a difficult task. Just tell yourself it's okay and that you'll do better the rest of the day, and you'll do better tomorrow. Don't stop trying to quit because of one mistake. Keep a strong mental attitude and remember to keep believing in yourself.

The next day, write out your schedule again with only 15 cigarettes. If you messed up yesterday, tweak today's schedule so that doesn't happen. Let's day you didn't give yourself a cigarette after lunch but you just had to have one. And when you got home from work, you allowed yourself a cigarette, but you didn't really need one at that point. Try switching those so that you have one right after lunch, but not right when you get home from work.

For the third day, you need to schedule your day to 14 cigarettes because you need to ween yourself off. When you schedule a cigarette break, you must smoke the cigarette even if you don't want to. This will give you a negative experience with cigarettes which is good for quitting. This is why some parents (oftentimes in movies) will force their child to smoke the entire pack in one sitting if they catch them smoking a single cigarette. The kid will feel so sick that they won't want to smoke another cigarette for the rest of their life.

Let's say that one day you are only supposed to smoke 12 cigarettes, but you smoke 13. Don't stress about it. The next day, do what you are scheduled to do. Don't go backwards. You already made some progress so keep going as if you didn't mess up at all. Always stay on track and follow the schedule and remember to make quitting smoking your number one priority. It needs to come before work, family, entertainment, etc. When you fully quit smoking, you will be able to be more productive in all other aspects of life, so you need to take this time period to focus on one thing: Quitting smoking.

You also need support. So tell everyone else in your life what you are doing. Tell them that you may mess up, but you need encouragement and positive feedback, not discouragement or put downs when you make a mistake. Tell your friends and family that you are going to follow your next day schedule no matter what happens the day before.

One very important thing: Do not be around others who smoke. Run away. If your friends smoke, tell them that they cannot smoke or even talk about smoking when they're around you. If so, they will be an utter hindrance in accomplishing your goal. If your spouse smokes, encourage them to try this with you. It is important to work together on this. If they do not wish to quit, tell them that they cannot smoke around you, or talk about smoking.

Here is your schedule if you normally smoke 16 cigarettes a day. You can change it however you need, but this is a good guide to follow.

Day 4: 14 cigarettes
Day 5: 13 cigarettes
Day 6: 13 cigarettes
Day 7: 13 cigarettes
Day 8-11: 12 cigarettes
Day 12-16: 11
Day 17-22: 10
Day 23-29: 9
Day 30-36: 8
Day 37-43: 7
Day 44-50: 6
Day 51-57: 5
Day 58-64: 4
Day 65-71: 3
Day 72-78: 2
Day 79-85: 1
Day 86-90: 0



For more ways to quit smoking read: Why Not Quit Smoking.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Not Quit Smoking?

Find out which way is right for you

Click Here to Quit Smoking Now

I am very concerned with people who smoke and it is one of my goals to help people quit in whatever way possible. It is definitely one of the habits to kick. There are many ways to stop smoking, so find one that's right for you.

A new survey just came out that says 12% of Californians smoke. I live in an apartment complex with 7 other apartments surrounding my front door. Out of the 8 total apartments, 2 smoke. That is 25%.

I don't like to have the air conditioning running all summer long, so I sometimes open my front door to let a cool breeze in. The only problem is that I'll be sitting at my computer and suddenly I will smell cigarette smoking trailing into my nostrils. I have to get up and close the door. Then about an hour later, it's getting really hot in here. I forgot that I closed my door and I need to go open it again to get some fresh air.

I sit back down and continue working. Ten minutes later... cigarette smoke... again.

What I want to do is go ask my neighbors if they like smoking cigarettes, or if they wish they could quit smoking. What reason is there to not try to quit smoking?

You like the way it tastes?

You like the way it feels?

It makes you feel better?

You're too addicted?

You can quit smoking if you really want to. It may be hard, but it is not impossible.

If you are at all concerned about your health, you should take the time to figure out what it is you need to do to stop smoking. My main concern is everyone's health. I wish people didn't smoke because I just know that their lungs are filling up with tar and one day they will probably end up with lung cancer.

One thing I was thinking about the other day was, "What would make me not want to quit smoking?" I have a problem with biting my nails. I don't want to do it, but I can't help it. I think if I wanted to quit smoking, I would miss the actual action of moving the cigarette to and from my mouth. Just the action of being able to do that would sooth me. So I got to thinking. What else could someone do who just wants to have the action of smoking cigarettes? You could eat carrot sticks or celery. Sucking on a lollipop would also be a good idea. But then I also thought about those new water vapor cigarettes that are coming out everywhere.

I started looking up different water vapor cigarettes to see which one was the best deal. They can be expensive, but cigarettes are even more expensive and water vapor doesn't kill you, so I'd rather smoke water vapor cigarettes if I had the choice.

After all my research, it seems that Smoke Assist was the best option. It was the best deal and it comes with a cartridge with refillable water vapor cigarettes and a rechargeable battery. I don't even smoke and this seems like fun to me.

If you want to check out Smoke Assist to help you stop smoking, you can Click Here. It is their website where you can learn about it and purchase it if it seems right for you. You can also read reviews online to see if it's right for you.

I think that's the best way to quit smoking. I just think it would be so much better to smoke water vapor cigarettes instead of tobacco ones. You'll be healthier, and if you normally smoke a lot, you'll actually save more money by buying water vapor cigarettes instead. It's highly beneficial.

So that's my favorite idea for quitting smoking. It will give you the sense of satisfaction you get by lifting the cigarette to and from your mouth. But everyone around you will thank you! :)

If that doesn't seem right for you, research other ways to quit smoking. There has to be a way for you. Don't stop believing in yourself. You can do it!

To learn more ways to quit, read: Smoking Reality Check

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